Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks

It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is upon us already! 

Last night I thought about what my Patriot ancestor, Ezekiel Jacobs, would have been thankful for. I imagine he would have given thanks for his family, good neighbors, a profitable season of crops, and--in 1782--for the outcome of the American Revolution. 
And now I ask you this: what do you think your ancestors were thankful for? Just a little food for thought. 

Enjoy your holiday!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Honoring Ancestors

Over the past year, many people have asked me why I started Patriots of the American Revolution. It originally began out of wanting to honor my own Patriot ancestor, Ezekiel Jacobs.

Ezekiel was born in North Haven, Connecticut, in 1755. When the American Revolution broke out, he joined the cause and served from 1776 to 1779, mostly with the Connecticut Militia. He was present at the Burning of Danbury, Connecticut, and at the Retreat from Long Island; stationed at Fort Independence; and a participant in the Battle of New Haven. He even met General George Washington. Ezekiel eventually received a pension for his military service, and died in 1834. He is buried in the Montowese Cemetery in North Haven, and his stone is decorated with a flag and veteran's star.

After learning and researching much of Ezekiel’s life and time in the war, I wrote an article about him--but I couldn’t find a publication to submit the piece. And that was the genesis of the this magazine. Today, people can submit articles about their own Patriot ancestors--plus articles on leaders, battles, and events of the Revolution (and research on early American culture)--to us, and we will help honor their memory.

You can reach me with any questions about articles at